Sunday 23 November 2008

Blessings of Obedience

Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments. - Deuteronomy 7:9

Is your heart grieving over something which has happened in your life quite unexpectedly? Do you wish this accident which has been affecting you so much had never happened? Are you still battling with the reality of a painful incident?

Joseph's life was full of incidents which seemed more like accidents but through it all, the word of God says that, " ... the Lord was with him and made whatever he did to prosper" (Genesis 39:23). Joseph was loved more than all the other children which Jacod had and he gave him a special tunic. One day Jacob sent Joseph to see whether everything was all right with his brothers who were taking care of the flock at Shechem. Joseph's brothers who were jealous of him and envied him took this opportunity and conspired to kill him. However Rueben tried to deliver him and suggested that he be put in a pit which was empty. Later he was sold to the Ishmaelites while his tunic was dipped in the blood of a young goat. Jacob who saw this mourned his son for many days thinking that his son Joseph was dead. Though it seemed everything was against him, the  Lord was preparing Joseph for something good.

Joseph sold to Potiphar found favour in his sight and was made supervisor over his house but soon he was accused by his master's wife which landed him in prison. "The Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and loving-kindness and gave favour in the sight of the warden in the prison. And the warden of the prison committed to Joseph's care all the prisoners.." says the word of God in Genesis 39:21.

The butler who had forgetten Joseph now remembered him to Pharoah and through the wisdom of God he interpreted the dream which none of Pharoah's magicians could interpret. Pharoah recognised that in Joseph was the spirit of God (Genesis 41:38-39). He said to Joseph, "For as much as (your) God has shown you all this, there is nobody as intelligent and discreet and understanding and wise as you are." Joseph was set over all the land of Egypt.

The Lord had chosen circumstances of his life and ordered his footsteps to work good both for himself, his whole family who later came and bowed before him and over the land of Egypt. If your likfe is surrendered into the hands of the Lord even the unexpected painful events, situations which shake you will all turn out to be those which mould you to be ready for something greater.

No destruction of the enemy can stop the good plans of God in your life!

As yourself: what kind of church would mine be if everyone is like me? 

- Daniel O.C

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