Friday 31 May 2013

Practically Speaking - May 31, 2013

Words Of Affirmation
Vow to yourself that you will very carefully consider the words you use with those you love, especially in emotionally charged situations. That extra few seconds finding the right words will have much more impact than the torrent that can flow from a heated exchange.
Acts Of Service
Are you feeling a bit too overwhelmed for Spring cleaning? Plan a CLEAN-A-THON! Plot your course by going from room to room, writing down one thing you would like to do in each. Grab a stopwatch and get started: Spend five minutes in each room cleaning, folding, organizing—whatever you previously listed. When the five-minute mark hits, sprint to the next room. Repeat cycle until you've accomplished your goal. Break as needed.
Receiving Gifts
Who says that men don't deserve a little pampering, as well? Chances are your town has a barber or grooming salon that caters to men, so arrange for a lengthy session including a haircut, shave, and any other services they offer that your man will appreciate.
Quality Time
It's time to discover something new with someone you appreciate or love. Find a new restaurant for dinner. Walk in a park you've never been to. Try the new coffee shop up the street. Not only will this be a fun experience for you both, it will also allow you to create new memories together.
Physical Touch
Sometimes the gift of touch needs to be your partner's choice. When you have the opportunity, don't just immediately take their hand . . . instead reach out, showing your intent, and let them choose to take yours. The gesture shows your desire for their touch too, and how much you value your shared tactile experience.

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