Friday 21 June 2013

Practically Speaking (Childrens' Edition) - June 21, 2013

Words Of Affirmation
Write sticky notes of affirmation and stick them on the fridge, mirror, front door, and any where else your child will see. Describe not just what you appreciate about what they do, but who they are.
Acts Of Service
Children often have trouble keeping their room clean. This weekend, offer to help them clean their room or organize their clothes. Not only will it help then feel loved, it will give you some peace of mind.
Receiving Gifts
Even if it isn't their primary love language, most kids enjoy gifts. Go to the local dollar store or candy shop. Pick out a handful of small items you think he/she will enjoy and give it to them at a special moment.
Quality Time
Take some time out to turn off the phone and take your child to the park, play a video game together, talk, read a book, or go on a special outing together. Talk about whatever they want to talk about. Don't forget to really listen and pay close attention to what they have to say.
Physical Touch
Spins, hugs, back scratches, tossing the hair all communicate love to a child whose primary love language is physical touch. Moms, paint your daughters toe nails. Dads, take your son to the park and play some basketball. Don't shy away from your child. Your appropriate touch makes them feel secure and loved.

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