Sunday 18 October 2009

Walking According To The Spirit

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." - Romans 8:1

Excerpts from the letter of Paul to the Romans have been mentioned in this bulletin over the past 3 weeks to draw the attention of God's family in WFA toward His purposes for our lives. Paul's message and mission were based on 2 simple things. First, he was grateful for his salvation and went wherever God sent him to tell him to tell what Christ had done for him (Acts 22:21). Second, his heart's desire was "to do the will of Him that sent"him at all times, and at all cost (John 7:38, Acts 21:13-14).

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans reflects Paul's keen understanding of the wisdom and knowledge of God and is considered the greatest revelation of Christian doctrine or foundational principles in the Bible. This is important to us even in this day in Seremban if we are to walk according to the Spirit in order that we "may dwell in the secret place of the Most Hight" and "abide under the shadow of the Almighty".

The mercy seat covered the ark which contained the three emblems of man's rebellion: the golden pot of manna - man's rebellion against God's provision, two tables of stone on which God wrote the Ten Commandments - man's rebellion against God's standard and Aaron's rod - man's rebellion against God's authority. Once a year on the Day of Atonement, the high priest would sprinkle the blood of a sacrificed animal on the mercy seat in order to make propitiation for the sins of Israel.

For us it's no longer the blood of animals that makes propitiation for our sins, but the blood of Jesus as seen in Romans 3:25 where the word for propitiation in the original text is 'hilasterion' which means "mercy seat" in Greek. Therefore Christ is our mercy seat and His blood speaks for us and results in God being on our side. God no longer sees our rebellion - He sees the blood of His Son and thereby accepts us, allowing us to abide in Him. This is how we can approach the secret place of the Most High in Christ, feeling secure that we have been given the right to be in God's presence. We can boldly approach Him to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

We are under God's protection because of Jesus Christ is our mercy seat and covers us with His blood. We are in the secret place of the Most High, abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:9,10 tells us that no evil will befall us, nor will any plague come near our dwelling; we are protected by God and kept safe from all harm when we walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

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